Accepting birds from May 1st until June 15th. Replacements until July 15th.
Race Day: Last weekend in January next year (circumstances permitting.)
When signing up as a team or syndicate one person must be designated as the contact person as they will be responsible for all fees, winnings, and birds.
Must be 21 years of age or older.
The race flown will be 400 miles with all birds flown from one loft using an electronic timer.
All birds belong to Breeders/Owners of Entry, no buybacks, and no auctions.
No one working for Flying D Loft will be permitted to enter birds.
All birds will be vaccinated for P.M.V. upon arrival.
A tax identification number recognized by the IRS (W-9 form) will be required before awarding any prizes valued at $600 or more, and such awards will be reported as required by IRS regulations.
An Acknowledgement of Rules and Information form must be submitted along with perch fees when birds are shipped to Flying D Loft.
No one will be allowed to handle their bird until the supervised night of shipping and loading for the Flying D race.
Return fees must be paid and bird(s) must be retrieved within 14 days of the last race entered. If fees are not received in full within 14 days, the remaining birds will become the property of Flying D. $85 (due to postal increases) shipping per box, add $10 for the second bird. Every two birds will require a new box.
1 bird = $85 - 2 birds = $95
3 birds = $180 - 4 birds = $190
5 birds = $275 - 6 birds = $285
The Flying D will not be held responsible for birds lost to unforeseen events
Lost or injured birds may be replaced by July 15th.
Franchisees reserve the right to make any decisions based on the majority rules of all owners that are present.
The loft manager (Paul Daniel) reserves the right to refuse entry to any breeder or attendee at his discretion
All membership fees ($500) and perch fees ($500) must accompany birds upon arrival. NO EXCEPTIONS
If a bird does not clock due to piggyback or clock/chip malfunction and Flying D verifies that the bird is in the drop, it will be placed last in the drop order.
Perch Fee 3 Birds $500 A 3 Bird team is required.
FRANCHISE BUY IN - $1500 (One time fee)
200 Max Franchise Spots
4 Race Series for Average Speed $100 per Team
125, 150, 200 and 400
All Birds on your team are eligible
ENTRY FEE-$1000 Per Bird. All birds on an owner’s team that are judged capable of competing by Paul Daniel must be entered into the Main Race. If the team is not entered the birds will become property of the Flying D and the Franchise spot will be lost by the owner. 100% Payout
Failure to pay the Entry Fee will result in the sale of unpaid birds and you will forfeit your Franchise and will not be allowed back in the Race. Any bird sold for the Entry Fee will become the property of the Buyer and Breeder relinquishes all rights to the Bird and any prize Money.
There will be a $500 membership fee every year to keep your franchise.
*No more than two franchises to be owned by one person.* YOU OWN THE FRANCHISE TO DO WITH AS YOU PLEASE! (You can OWN it, LEASE it or SELL it.)
*By owning the Franchise you have to fill the spot every year or you lose your franchise. YOU MAY NOT PARTICIPATE IN THIS RACE WITHOUT OWNING A FRANCHISE. NO EXCEPTIONS
Top 15 Birds to complete the last Race of the series will be required to bring/send a YB to the Flying D Race the following year to be Auctioned. Proceeds will be divided 50/50.
Race day is over 1 hour after sunset on the second day of release.
If any prizes remain to be paid out, that amount will be shared equally by the birds who returned.
If two or more birds show in the clock as exact ties, the prizes affected will be added up and split equally among the birds that tied.
All birds will have their ninths and tenths cut and pulled.
Time out for Darkness - 30 minutes after sundown to 30 minutes before sunrise is dead time OR from the time the last bird on the day clocks if it's after 30 minutes after sundown until 30 minutes before sunrise.
Any unforeseen circumstances will be settled by a majority vote of the franchise owners.
Live clocking results will be provided by
We will race the last weekend of January weather permitting.
Race date will be subject to change based on weather, but it will remain a 400 mile race.
Participants cannot take legal action against Flying D, Paul Daniel and/or Franchise Owners. All disputes will be handled out of court.
On shipping day dinner and entertainment will be provided complimentary for franchise owners. Each owner will receive two dinner tickets. Additional meal tickets may be purchased.
Please make checks payable to: Flying D
Ship Birds & Checks to:
Paul Daniel
693 FM 2127 Chico, TX 76431
Phone: 918-640-3700